akira2501 22 minutes ago

I personally dislike rust, but I love kernels, and so I'll always check these projects out.

This is one of the nicer ones.

It looks pretty conservative in it's use of Rust's advanced features. The code looks pretty easy to read and follow. There's actually a decent amount of comments (for rust code).

Not bad!

depressedpanda 16 minutes ago

From the README:

> Currently, Asterinas only supports x86-64 VMs. However, our aim for 2024 is to make Asterinas production-ready on x86-64 VMs.

I'm confused.

  • favorited 5 minutes ago

    Sounds like their goal is to improve their x86-64 support before implementing other ISAs.

  • MattPalmer1086 7 minutes ago

    Yeah, I had to read that a few times... I think they just mean it isn't production ready yet, but that's what they are aiming for.

spease 24 minutes ago

What’s the intended use case for this? Backend containers?