ninetyninenine 8 hours ago

What I want is quality to the level of flagship android phones or the iphone with the ability to plug it in to a keyboard, mouse and screen and have it function as my laptop as well.

One single integrated experience. I think everyone wants this. We have the technology we have the demand, it's just companies who make the high quality phones want to completely lock down the market.

You would think the free market would produce a company that would tackle this issue but barrier to entry is waay to high so essentially we have small companies trying to get into this space but they are only creating sub-par products because they can't make something as good as an iphone.

It's basically a legal monopoly. Companies can't get into it because the technology and capital required are way to high and only super mega corps like samsung and apple can pull it off...

Closest thing I've seen to this product I'm looking for is the steam deck. I would buy a steam deck phone if it had the quality of a pixel/iphone device.

  • whyowhy3484939 8 hours ago

    > I think everyone wants this.

    You asked for it. I don't want that. I don't want an "integrated experience" and "flagship quality". The first sounds juvenile and the second sounds unnecessarily expensive and probably containing shit I don't need, like fancy cameras to look good on my nonexistent socials.

    What I want is a simple, slow, old, efficient, simple phone with the interface of an 80s era 8bit computer that can actually, imagine this, make and, to complicate matters even further, even take calls.

    I basically want an open source dumb phone. Do these exist? If not, why not focus on this first? Why go for fancy cameras and apps when we can't even make calls? Looking at your PinePhone.

    • dmd 7 hours ago

      > that can actually, imagine this, make and, to complicate matters even further, even take calls

      Showing how different different people are. I've probably made... 20? ish? phone calls in the last decade. (I'm 46.)

      • anonzzzies 27 minutes ago

        Same for me, I am 50 and would happily carry a phone sized tablet without call caps at all. I never need to call or receive call; send me an email or hit me up on a chat channel.

      • MaXtreeM 7 hours ago

        Holy moly, you must have very different life than most people I guess. I am from the younger generation which supposedly avoids making old-style phone calls as much as possible and I don't think I know anyone who has made less than 100 calls in the last decade.

    • numpad0 6 hours ago

      LTE set that back by a lot. For years there were no VoLTE implementations in common use other than stuffs on Android. Even those had compatibility issues and lots of carriers still block unapproved clients trying to register on VoLTE.

      For 3G, you could always do that. You only needed the right modem module with voice call support and audio I/O, like bare PCM pins, and a host micro to handle AT commands.

      • Nextgrid 5 hours ago

        > there were no VoLTE implementations in common use other than stuffs on Android

        What's wrong with the Android one - is it not permissively licensed?

        I think the biggest problem of Linux phones is the community's obsession with trying (and failing) to reimplement (multiple times, in parallel) things that Android does really well and can be used as-is.

        That's why the PinePhone or Librem 5 still can't even match the usability (at basic things like phone or camera or battery life) of a 2010-era Android phone, despite having similar hardware.

        You want a Linux phone that actually works? Start with an AOSP-based phone and provide manufacturer-approved root and escape hatch such as first-party terminal and Wayland/X server app to run Linux apps.

        Over time, you can slowly replace Android components with their Linux desktop counterparts when they're ready (or the other way around - the Android bits can just be the commonly-accepted solution to specific problems in Linux - even desktop - distros), but at least you're starting from a solid base.

        • joecool1029 4 hours ago

          > What's wrong with the Android one - is it not permissively licensed?

          It is not, AOSP based distributions have to kang it from vendor builds. Qualcomm's is mostly standardized but Samsung wrote their own stack and voLTE/voNR won't work on any custom roms.

          > That's why the PinePhone or Librem 5 still can't even match the usability (at basic things like phone or camera or battery life) of a 2010-era Android phone, despite having similar hardware.

          They most certainly do NOT have similar hardware. You're wrong on thinking it's a software problem when the hardware being interfaced with is notoriously proprietary. The PinePhone and Librem phones are using self-contained quectel modems connected via different interfaces. They are nothing like the integrated soc's of nearly every other device on the market. This dramatically impacts battery life and stability and I don't think it will ever be a solved problem when building devices this way.

    • ninetyninenine 7 hours ago

      >I basically want an open source dumb phone. Do these exist? If not, why not focus on this first? Why go for fancy cameras and apps when we can't even make calls? Looking at your PinePhone.

      Your dream is achievable and has been achieved. PinePhone for example.

      I obviously don't mean everyone everyone. More like the overwhelming majority of people.

      • whyowhy3484939 7 hours ago

        I have one and it very much struggles to make and especially to receive calls and is still trying to be smart. PinePhone is definitely not a dumb phone. It's expensive as well.

        To me a simple, dumb, open source device that can easily be manufactured in all kinds of conditions all over the world sounds like a dream for actual, practical purposes. Like, for example, again, calling. To some degree I have the same issues with "smart watches". Simple, open source, dumb smart watches with just a smidge of 8bit CPU goodness to display, say, something simple like a word or even a letter on the screen would be quite useful. I know there is some movement in that arena using ESP32s but I am not particularly impressed. Alas, alas. Why do we as a civilization tend to go for the extremes and not just get our basic shit together first?

        I was being slightly obtuse and I understood perfectly well that you meant all reasonable people. If I can't be obtuse and pedantic on HN though, where else?

    • ForHackernews 7 hours ago

      These do (or did) exist: feature phones shipped with FirefoxOS. Almost no one bought them and the effort was widely seen as a failure, although KaiOS enjoys ongoing success in the developing world.

      • rjsw 7 hours ago

        I am using a KaiOS phone, a Nokia 6300 4G. It works well as a 4G WiFi hotspot for a laptop and as a small phone for making calls and sending texts. Have a few apps on it for mapping as well as using the browser occasionally.

        The KaiOS WhatsApp app will stop working next year though.

        • normie3000 6 hours ago

          Wow. Whatsapp struggles on my iphone 13; how's performance on your Nokia?!

          • rjsw 6 hours ago

            Works fine to receive text messages and a few pictures.

    • MisterTea 7 hours ago

      I half agree. I dont need the bullshit bells and whistles. However a good camera doesn't mean you want to post on instagram or tiktok - maybe you just want a memory of a trip you went on or technical detail of something you want to document. People took pictures before social media.

      Most every phone can already do what we want but the hardware is undocumented or locked behind NDA and the firmware is hostile. Without those locks the gigacorps cant keep you in the data-mining garden. We wont have open phones until this thinking changes. Keep dreaming until then.

  • freedomben 8 hours ago

    I agree I would love this option, but how much would you be willing to pay for such a device? Would you pay $800? $1,000? $1,400?

    That's where I have a hard time. I would pay that kind of money, but I would need something well polished and fully capable of being a "daily driver." I think many people are in the same place I am, and thus we have a real chicken and egg problem here.

    • numpad0 8 hours ago

      Microsoft at one point was running full NT on ARM on phones. I think they could've done it within such price range, but didn't.

    • bee_rider 7 hours ago

      Hmm. If I bought a phone for ~$600 and a laptop for ~$1000, I guess I’d pay ~$1700 for the converged device (adding a little bit because of the intangible benefit of not having to manage my files anymore).

    • ninetyninenine 8 hours ago

      I'd pay up to 3k if it was quality delivered the experience of a top quality phone and a top quality laptop.

      I mean the technology to do this is already here. If apple or samsung wanted to do this... they can.

      Right now I use an iphone, but if samsung made a phone that felt like say linux, windows or macos when in laptop mode... I would switch off iphone in a heartbeat.

      And i mean it has to feel like macOS. None of that bloat is acceptable. SteamOS actually pulls this off but in a gaming form factor.

      • PaulDavisThe1st 7 hours ago

        > And i mean it has to feel like macOS. None of that bloat is acceptable.

        I suspect that every single thing you like about macOS is something I consider bloat (or would if that was the only related word I was allowed to use).

        My first task on my recently acquired M3 MBP was to remove/hide/disable as much of macOS as I possibly could; only then can I use it as a productive development environment.

      • michaelmior 7 hours ago

        > and a top quality laptop. > I mean the technology to do this is already here.

        I think it really depends on what precisely you mean here. I don't think it's currently possible to get the same performance of my M3 Max MacBook Pro in the form factor of a phone.

  • auguzanellato 8 hours ago

    Asus did that in 2011 with the PadFone, it was an Android mobile phone that you could plug into the provided tabled and then plug a keyboard into that.

    • cuu508 7 hours ago

      There was also Motorola Atrix in 2011 with similar idea.

    • ninetyninenine 7 hours ago

      Yeah but it wasn't quality right? I mean the both modes need to have a UX on par with a regular laptop and a high quality phone.

  • bsimpson 8 hours ago

    I remember Motorola showing off a concept like this in ~2012.

  • fsflover 7 hours ago

    > What I want is quality to the level of flagship android phones or the iphone with the ability to plug it in to a keyboard, mouse and screen and have it function as my laptop as well. > > One single integrated experience.

    Purism achieved that with their Librem 5 phone [0]. However having a polished experience like with iPhone requires to invest billions in software. It can be used as a daily driver [1] but there's a lot to improve yet. Sent from my Librem 5.



  • Frenchgeek 7 hours ago

    I can do something not unlike that with the second-hand displaylink adapter I currently have gathering dust... I would just need to install a desktop environment on termux for it to be complete (not sure if I could get 3D acceleration with this). The only real problem there is the adapter I have cannot charge the phone while connected.

  • riversflow 8 hours ago

    > One single integrated experience. I think everyone wants this

    This is insane to me. Like not just no. Hell no. I want my phone to be a gadget, like a watch, not a whole ass computer. I want my tablet to be its own thing from my laptop, which is different from my PC(s). I absolutely, positively do NOT want general purpose computing to be the typical paradigm. I don’t want, need, or even like the idea of my phone, that I typically use like a wallet, to be a general purpose computation tool. Lock that shit down, please!

    • ninetyninenine 7 hours ago

      I should never say "everyone" anymore. Because everyone is almost never true. I mean overwhelming majority.

      • anonzzzies 24 minutes ago

        I think adults should read 'majority' when someone says everyone. I will keep saying it when talking with adults as it is just easier than put all the exceptions; if some people get annoyed by it, that's not really my problem.

    • fractallyte 7 hours ago

      Your phone is already a general purpose computer...

    • fsflover 7 hours ago

      > I want my tablet to be its own thing from my laptop, which is different from my PC(s).

      But what's the point in owning three devices when you can own one doing everything? How about in addition an mp3 player, a camera and a flashlight, too?

      • riversflow 5 hours ago

        I like tools to have defined roles, not multipurpose.

        I mean the top post is a ~200USD “smart” pomodoro timer. I’m not even close to that.

        I use my phone for communication, quick photos/ notes and sound. It carries my cards. I want it to be completely locked down because it gets used in public and could be stolen.

        I use my laptop for personal business including coding. I want it to be secure and streamlined.

        I have a gaming PC, it runs widows and gaming rootkits and all kinds of questionable software. I don’t want my sensitive data around that computer.

        I do art on my ipad, I want it to be about art. I dont need the phone stuff there. I don’t want my personal stuff there.

        > flashlight too

        lol I actually carry a flashlight with me always. Phones are absolutely garbage compared to a modern High CRI flashlight. I also have a FF camera and take it with me very frequently.

anonzzzies 12 minutes ago

No video on usb c? Maybe I missed it but don't see it in the specs?

neilv 8 hours ago

$500 price point is a lot for an open source enthusiast phone, especially one unknown.

The Pine64 PinePhone is $150-$200, with similar hardware provenance, but various open source projects that might at least give better software longevity and software trustworthiness.

An additional consideration: as much as we like and respect our global colleagues, unfortunately I could see both hardware brands getting banned in some locales and by some organizations, like some other telecom brands have been banned. A phone that can't be used as a phone has little value, no matter how open it is.

For somewhat different provenance, the Purism Librem 5 is coming in at $800+, which is too high a high price point for most open source enthusiast contributors.

And Purism's made-in-USA version, the Liberty Phone, is at $2K+. I guess maybe government or enterprise sales?

I'm thinking that better for the Western open source developers and non-wealthy enthusiasts would be something more palatable to Western governments, and usable as a daily driver, like Librem 5, but priced somewhere in (guessing) $200-$400.

  • NewJazz 8 hours ago

    The original pinephone was an allwinner soc that had like 4x a53 cores, a weak GPU, and pretty meh ram. This phone has a fairly modern mediatek soc with a78 cores, a fairly modern Mali GPU, ufs storage, and lpddrx5 ram.

DaveChurchill 8 hours ago

"I love the new furry phone"...

Just like DuckDuckGo I think the name will hamper adoption of this.

  • vngzs 8 hours ago

    It's "fury phone":

    > Furious Support from the FuriOS team

    • rendaw 8 hours ago

      They could say it's pronounced "Wendigo" and people would still read it "Furry".

      • krunck 8 hours ago

        If people read "fury" as "furry" then that's a literacy problem.

        • avazhi 7 hours ago

          You’re right.

          And if you can’t understand why almost everyone will read ‘furi’ as furry and not ‘fury’, then you’ve got a phonics problem.

        • prophesi 8 hours ago

          As someone who reads/watches a lot of Japanese media, "fury" isn't how I would first read "furi".

          I do like "FuriOS" and think it avoids this issue, but other portmanteaus might be better avoided.

  • FrustratedMonky 8 hours ago

    Have to say, main reason for clicking to check it out was I thought it was a Phone for Furries.

    Curiosity got me to look.

    Maybe it will drive traffic.

jchw 8 hours ago

Apparently it is based on Halium, so it's probably not going to run mainline Linux any time soon. On the other hand, I'm less happy with Android than I pretty much ever have been, so having some more options outside of relatively unusable Linux phones and being stuck with modified Android firmware certainly does not hurt.

I am definitely interested, especially if the team working on it is as active as it seems they are. Definitely one of the biggest bummers with PinePhone and PinePhone Pro was realizing that the community was largely on its own; that could work well, but in practice progress has been slow and painful and I stopped paying attention.

I would really like to see more projects doing cellular Linux devices in general. It doesn't need to be a candybar smartphone, if someone can jam a cellular modem into a MicroPC I'm sold at any price I can afford.

  • GranPC 8 hours ago

    I work on this device. We are currently QAing the latest update with our community, which contains a lot of goodies and improvements shaped directly from community feedback. You can see previous changelogs at

    I am obviously a little biased, but this is probably the first Linux phone that people can actually use. Someone in our community switched from iPhone to this without much of an issue.

    • jorvi 7 hours ago

      Since you guys are running Gnome, you might be interested in helping with (or funding) this native GTK WhatsApp client:

      Since these days something like >90% of people is on WhatsApp, it’s beyond quintessential to have a good WhatsApp client.

      • GranPC 7 hours ago

        My biggest hold-up with that sort of work is that Facebook has previously threatened to ban users who use third-party clients, and then they have gone through with the threat. Is this no longer the case?

        • jorvi 3 hours ago

          I can't speak for everyone, but I've been using WhatsApp since ~2010, mostly the official client but with bouts of unofficial client usage, and I've never been banned.

          Probably not very detectable for Meta since it uses a wrapped webview, but I've been using ZapZap on Linux for a good while now and I haven't seen a ban yet.

        • mpol 6 hours ago

          Meta also threatened app makers to start a lawsuit. Whatsapp Plus, Whatsup and Mitakuuluu people stopped on that threat. I don't see a reason why Meta would change their stance on this.

          There is now a law from the EU, I think it is the DMA, which could change things for people living in the EU regarding interoperability. I haven't read anything about practical follow-ups yet.

          By the way, only releasing source code as a blueprint might be fine, that happened before. I might remember it wrong, but it might be lame, the mp3 encoder.

    • rendaw 8 hours ago

      I don't care about running stuff out of the box, but NixOs support would be awesome!

      • yjftsjthsd-h 8 hours ago

        Does anyone have NixOS+Halium working?

    • Neikius 7 hours ago

      Anyone tried running KDE?

      • GranPC 7 hours ago

        Not on this device in particular, but I've seen it done in the Droidian community. Similar steps should work, although I heard it's a little janky.

pmontra 8 hours ago

> Phone: 171mm x 82mm x 12mm : 280g

280 grams is a lot even for today's phones. 12 mm is half a inch. Very thick.

The other dimensions are 6.7 x 3.2 inches.

Ok, this might be a phone for people that want to prove a point but it's too cumbersome. How about starting with something reasonable and fit it with only what fits within those bounds? An example: 160 x 80 x 9 and 200 g. That would be a big phone but not bigger than many phones on sale.

  • yjftsjthsd-h 8 hours ago

    > Ok, this might be a phone for people that want to prove a point but it's too cumbersome. How about starting with something reasonable and fit it with only what fits within those bounds? An example: 160 x 80 x 9 and 200 g. That would be a big phone but not bigger than many phones on sale.

    Because in that universe your comment would be about how awful the specs were and how tiny the battery is. I'm reasonably confident that price-size-performance is a "pick at most 2" situation.

  • anonzzzies 22 minutes ago

    I rather have nice specs and battery life than thin.

  • porphyra 8 hours ago

    It takes lots of engineering effort to make things svelte. That makes it incredibly hard for "indie" phone makers to come up with something competitive in this regard. Likewise with price --- Android phones with similar specs can be found for only $200.

    • wmf 8 hours ago

      Why bother when you could pay HMD (aka "Nokia"), Foxconn, ASUS, etc to make a dramatically better phone with your logo and your OS on it?

      • HumblyTossed 8 hours ago

        Can you actually do this with the numbers Furilabs probably expects to hit? Surely there's a minimum number to order before the companies you mentioned will even take you serious.

        • wmf 8 hours ago

          The Linux phones all fail anyway so if you don't have the volume just don't bother.

  • bean-weevil 8 hours ago

    I agree that it's definitely too tall but I don't agree that it's too thick. It has a removable battery which fully justifies the thickness imo.

    • SoftTalker 8 hours ago

      I don't think 12mm is bad. My iPhone in its Otterbox sleeve is just over 11mm thick.

  • lvass 8 hours ago

    Is there prior art that includes a removable battery, headphone jack and IP68 at those "reasonable" bounds? I wonder how large the battery could be in that case.

  • numpad0 7 hours ago

    Do you seriously think weight and thickness are parameters that hardware designers just artificially inflate all the time just to be mean to users???

    You want 1/3 of thickness and 53ml in volume and 80g in weight just removed because methinks that'd be much better??? A phone isn't a steak cut, you... can't do that. You can if you knew beforehand that there are suitable replacements for major components like displays and batteries, if you don't, you just take what hardware engineers give you. What are you even thinking.

m463 5 hours ago

"privacy centric" then uses google services as part of web page. easy fix - quit referencing

That said, it is awesome they are making this phone, and even if you don't use it, more choices are better for everyone.

  • GranPC 4 hours ago

    Good catch. We'll fix that. Thanks!

robertlagrant 7 hours ago

> Fast, performant and cheap. You wanted all 3? Now you got it!

What's the difference between fast and "performant"?

  • whytevuhuni 7 hours ago

    Maybe one is latency (how optimized the software is) and the other is throughput (how many cores it has).

    Although more likely just weird marketing.

  • nzgrover 7 hours ago

    It's marketing drivel, and marketing loves the "rule of three".

rendaw 8 hours ago

It says "Wired/Wireless and NFC combo" under battery charging, but there's no mention of NFC under "Connectivity". Is it charging only? I'd like a linux phone but the Purism phone eschewed NFC too.

  • GranPC 8 hours ago

    There's NFC, although the Linux stack support for NFC is a little limiting. However the NFC hardware is passed through to the Android container, so if, for example, your bank doesn't demand that you pass SafetyNet, you can pay with the phone. (I have done this)

    • Neikius 7 hours ago

      How would you check what the banking app you are using requires?

      • GranPC 3 hours ago

        That's a good question, sorry I missed your comment.

        I honestly don't know of an "easy" way to do that. If you have enough time on your hands you could decompile it and take a look. You could also try running it on a spare phone with a ROM that doesn't contain Google Play Services (or where it's been disabled). However, SafetyNet isn't the only line of defense. These apps often have their own root checks, which doesn't pose a problem for us because the Android image isn't rooted. (But it runs inside LXC, and you can attach a root shell into it.)

        Another thing they don't like sometimes is the system build fingerprint not being recognized. We have an overlay(fs) system that allows users to customize everything inside the Android container without the hassle of rebuilding the system images or having to stay on the ball when we update things. It's not hard then to pick up the build fingerprint line from a "trusted" device and just drop it in build.prop.

        All of this is a bit of a hassle, to put it mildly. But if we try to talk to any bank or contactless payment provider right now, they'll tell us to kick rocks. I guess it's a matter of time until we grow or a very smart person figures out a very clever hack. :)

mmh0000 8 hours ago

I want to like it... But, I've been bitten too many times by expensive Linux phones (Oh Nokia N900, how I wanted to love you. but you couldn't even make phone calls without threatening to crash).

It's a little weird that there are very few details on this thing. Notably, one of my #1 concerns when looking for a new phone today is a good camera. And all I can find on the camera is "it's 50MP!!! " But how do actual, non-photoshopped pictures look? Does it do okay in low-light? Does it support any sort of optical zoom?

Their website is currently as slow as a frozen snail (which, if they can't run a basic web server, leads to a lot of doubt they can maintain a long-term Linux distro). So I couldn't click around much, but I didn't find anything really informative.

I tried looking at YouTube videos and only found some weird official videos of a person's hand putting the phone in a sink. Like... Yes, it has been expected for the last 8ish years that my phone will be waterproof, that's not an amazing achievement.

It also seems to be "weird" Linux, like Maemo was for the N900. I don't want weird, custom-built stuff that will be forgotten about in 12 months. Just give me a standard Debain/Fedora/Whatever and an unlocked bootloader to reinstall with what I want.

IMHO they should really look at what Valve did with the steamdeck and SteamOS, It's a custom Linux that works well, but, it's also standard hardware with an open bootloader. There are dozens of SteamOS alternatives.

  • GranPC 8 hours ago

    I agree with you on some points - I do know a lot of people (myself included) have been bitten in the past many years by Linux phones that didn't do what they really claimed they'd eventually do. There's not much I can do there other than continue to work on it and make it the best possible Linux phone. It will speak for itself.

    I also completely agree that we should have a camera showcase. We've been talking about the idea of letting customers upload their shots to some sort of gallery so people can see how the real world looks through the camera's lens. What I can tell you though is that pictures look pretty darn good, and low light is great owing to the f/1.57 aperture. No optical zoom for this model unfortunately.

    I'm not sure the website being slow speaks to our capability of maintaining a distro, especially when you consider these two things are done by different people. Sure, I'd love to work on the website and make it faster. But I'm busy working on the actual phone.

    The video situation will improve as reviews come in. As for just giving you an unlocked bootloader and regular Linux... sure, I can do that. But you're not going to have audio, hardware acceleration, camera, etc. postmarketOS is a good example of this - despite years of tireless work, it's just really hard to get a regular distro working on a phone without leveraging Android drivers, at least for now.

  • freedomben 8 hours ago

    > It also seems to be "weird" Linux, like Maemo was for the N900. I don't want weird, custom-built stuff that will be forgotten about in 12 months. Just give me a standard Debain/Fedora/Whatever and an unlocked bootloader to reinstall with what I want.

    I wouldn't say it's a "weird Linux as it's mostly Debian and it's fully rebuildable by the user from the open source scripts[1]. I would likewise love a phone that was just mainline Fedora, but given many of the current challenges around ARM devices with linux, I fully understand why a "custom-built" OS is needed. As long as it's as light-weight as possible and is open source/rebuildable by the user, I think it's a good compromise given the realities around the platform.


    • mmh0000 7 hours ago

      To be fair (insert meme here)

      Maemo was "mostly Debian" as well, it was one of the big selling points. Except Maemo was quickly abandoned by Nokia and left unmaintained. To further complicate matters Maemo required arcane tools to build it and install it to a device. Custom community kernels quickly became standard for enabling basic functionality which Nokia should have provided, but, didn't. However, the custom kernels were also frequently left unpatched and abandoned because they were being built and maintained by random internet users who found other hobbies.

      I think the idea is awesome and I am excited if not skeptical. I hope Furi manages to build a healthy community around this. And doesn't go the path of so many previous Linux phones.

  • numpad0 6 hours ago

    > And all I can find on the camera is "it's 50MP!!! " But how do actual, non-photoshopped pictures look?

    It's probably all they know about the camera. Not even Apple make their own cameras. It's always someone else's (customized)product. If they're outsourcing hardware, they might not even know the customer code assigned to the contracted OEM.

    > I don't want weird, custom-built stuff that will be forgotten about in 12 months

    Then none of hardware and many of software features will work. There are no in-box standard implementations for e.g. phone call in GNU/Linux, so it'll have to be supplied in the form of a custom preconfigured distro with bunch of free preinstalled apps.

    The fact that product necessitating free preinstalled apps to function leads to needs to supply OS as flavors of your own weird unsupported distro, like N900-specifix Maemo or Steam Deck OLED-specific SteamOS images.

    You aren't going to like being instructed how to install and patch a SIP softphone just to make calls on North American carriers with vague hints for Canadian specifics. It's a phone, it'll be lame if it doesn't make calls out of the box. And there comes the 3 years old $DISTRO-$HWREV-$VERSION.img that instantly shows antenna bars right on the setup screen.

    Actually I think it's unfair to call Maemo a weird unsupported thing. It didn't seem that far from bone stock desktop Linux.

Narishma 9 hours ago

> Fast, performant and cheap.

What's the difference between fast and performant?

  • chrisoconnell 9 hours ago

    Something can be fast, but lack efficiency or the ability to utilize the speed.

    For example, a car can have 1,000hp, but utilizes a large turbo which takes a long time to spool up, leading to poor performance. It may also have poor handling characteristics.

    On the other hand, let's use a car like a Mazda Miata, which only has 181hp. It is not fast, but it is an incredibly performant car, with exceptional handling and driving dynamics.

    Speed and performance are not directly correlated, and are independent metrics. Performance is more of an indication of the overall dynamics of action, intention and results.

  • VyseofArcadia 9 hours ago

    Hasty guess: fast is responsiveness, performant is performance per watt?

    • polotics 8 hours ago

      fast is latency, performant is bandwidth

sandreas 8 hours ago

I'm so desperately looking for a DIY portable device that does not suck to build my portable audio player, best case supporting android with any of the following custom roms:

I even considered making a player myself using the T113-S3 SoC, unfortunately not having the required skills. There are so many people trying to build prototypes, but this seems to be a space that is not easy to manage.

Here is my personal favorite Audio Player base device, best I found so far:

bsimpson 7 hours ago

It's surprising to me that there aren't any details about the software stack.

Whenever I've tried to find a touch-optimized Linux shell, I've come up short. As has been discussed on this forum in the past, most of the attempts are understaffed side projects that have thousands of manhours of work ahead of them.

I'd like to know what shell FuriOS is based on, and what they're doing to make it usable. Even a demo video would go a long way!

  • GranPC 7 hours ago

    I'll write something in the dev blog, thanks. We use Phosh, with some minor patches. Upstream Phosh is pretty good as it is!

    • bsimpson 6 hours ago

      Glad to see you engaging the community!

      As someone unfamiliar with Furilabs, it wouldn't occur to me to go looking for a dev blog to see if you've written anything about the shell. I feel like that's information you'd want to link from the marketing page (even if the details are on your blog).

      • GranPC 6 hours ago

        Community is what got me here in the first place. :)

        Fair enough! Noted.

maufl 7 hours ago

Can anyone estimate what it would cost to develop a new phone that's like the N900 with updated hardware (slide out keyboard, camera cover, maybe drop the input stylus, a bit flatter and larger) and mainline Linux support for all components? I'm sometimes wondering if this is something I could have Pine64 do if I accidentally get rich enough. I think I would spent the rest of my days just writing the software for this.

  • mpol 6 hours ago

    First question is; which SOC would you want to use? Is there any SOC with full mainline support that you would agree to? There is a reason Pine64 and Purism went with SOCs out of the ordinary path.

  • asimovfan 7 hours ago

    I believe everyone has similar fantasies. Your best bet is a custom made mini laptop with a x86_64 SoC with perhaps 18650 batteries or thin easily replaceable battery packs..

    I believe the GPD Pocket is also x86_64.

zamalek 8 hours ago

Very tempting. What is the deal with play store integrity, i.e. is wallet (and some banking apps) supported?

  • freedomben 8 hours ago

    It says "F-Droid, Aurora Store, and other sources'" so I'm guessing there's no Play store and probably no GMS and other increasingly mandatory proprietary dependencies. Open source Android is in rough shape as a result of Google's tightening the ratchet.

    Edit: In a different comment one of the devs clarified that it does have microG, so quite a few apps will actually work.[1]


  • GranPC 8 hours ago

    Afraid not. These things usually require hardware attestation to ensure you're running the exact software Google wants you to run. Now, if someone figured out a way to bypass it, that would probably work for a bit. But it's a cat and mouse game.

    • numpad0 7 hours ago

      It's not just what Google wants you to run, it's what Google promises to some of its customers through a face it has on one of numerous facets(facing banks in this case) as what they let users do with phones, and a humanware chain of trust that allows the server and the phone to be viewed as sort-of secure computing environment.

      From an idealist standpoint, it shouldn't be done that way by taking away rights from users, but trivializing it as how specifically Google wants you to do it isn't accurate either.

  • numpad0 8 hours ago

    Why does this question always come up? There's zero technical reasons you can't electronically pay with all-open software stack e.g. Ethereum on GNU/Linux, it's pure matter of trust.

    With currently available payment standards, it's like asking for a live credit card with someone else's private key and an open debug port, all at the same time. Things don't work that way.

    • rvense 8 hours ago

      What kind of reply is this? None of the people I want to give money will take Ethereum.

      • numpad0 8 hours ago

        Then what makes you think the same people will let you insert a bomb-looking thing with wires sticking out into a credit card terminal?

        • dpassens 7 hours ago

          Who said anything about sticking anything into credit card terminals? And I'm not seeing any wires sticking out of the phone. I'd say it doesn't particularly look like a bomb either, but given recent events, that probably doesn't say much.

caiusdurling 8 hours ago

Took me ages to connect the fact the phone was flipping around at hyper-speed on the webpage because I had the cursor over it whilst scrolling down. Had to move to the right side of the page to then scroll down.

anoncow 8 hours ago

Furi OS was what turned me away. Never heard of it and that makes me realise we don't have an android alternative OS which is permanent. Do we have any OS which is permanent? Shouldn't we have one?

  • GranPC 8 hours ago

    FuriOS is a derivate of Droidian, which in turn is basically Debian with Halium support. So it's pretty much Debian + some custom patches for usability, hardware support, performance, so on. We intend to upstream as many of our changes as possible as time permits, but right now we are laser focused on improving the experience day in and day out.

    • freedomben 8 hours ago

      Are all of your patches open source? Given enough time, could a user build a "factory image" of FuriOS from source?

      • GranPC 8 hours ago

        Yes. It doesn't even require a lot of time, all the build scripts are on our GitHub.

    • anoncow 7 hours ago

      Thanks for the answer. All the best!

    • deng 8 hours ago

      Hi, thanks for answering questions here. How do you handle device encryption?

      • GranPC 8 hours ago

        Once you turn on full disk encryption, the phone will reboot once and begin to encrypt the entire filesystem in the background. Further reboots will require that you input your FDE password (which can be different from your lock screen password/PIN) in a minimal rootfs-based UI.

  • yjftsjthsd-h 8 hours ago

    What do you mean by "permanent"?

    • anoncow 6 hours ago

      My specific definition: 20 years later when a retired me boots up the device, it will be able to run the calculator app without shutting down.

  • stonogo 7 hours ago

    PostmarketOS is trying to be this.

butz 6 hours ago

Finally, a phone without camera bump and with an audio jack. Screen is way to large for my pockets, though.

INTPenis 8 hours ago

Why not use the open source Android? I just feel like it would be more mature.

And yes I like many others here have been trying Linux phones for 10+ years, since N900.

Your phone just has to work, it can't crash because you get a call, or hide buttons because the UI is confused by orientation. IT MUST WORK. So that's why I wonder why people don't just use Android.

  • freedomben 8 hours ago

    Open source Android has been increasingly neglected by Google, and is (essentially) unusable at this point unless you are ok with the look and feel of very early Android. It also isn't likely to improve as Google's strategy seems to be to move toward more and more proprietaryness.

    I think a much more sustainable approach is to focus on existing Linux distros and get them more usable on phones.

    • KetoManx64 7 hours ago

      You are wrong about AOSP. I'm running LineageOS (Android 14) on both my phone and tablet without Gapps and it is a fully functional system. (NewPipe for youtube, Aurora/Fdroid for for App Stores)

      I don't know what you mean by "look and feel of early android" either, as AOSP based ROMs look just like Google Pixel in the settings, quick dropdowns and dialogue popups.

      • onli 7 hours ago

        LineageOS is not the raw open source Android though that the parent probably referred to. Afaik there are quite some changes needed by now to make it really usable.

        But sure, LOS proves it can be done.

      • freedomben 7 hours ago

        LineageOS != AOSP. They've put quite a bit of work on top of it too make it usable.

        To be clear I have nothing against lineage, and I'm a Graphene OS user myself, but these projects add a lot of value on top of raw AOSP.

        • INTPenis 6 hours ago

          Still though it kinda proves my point. What's the quickest path to a usable phone? Quite a bit of work on top of AOSP, or even more work ontop of Linux?

  • attah_ 7 hours ago

    It's like using Chromium or whatever clone-a-chrome is hip at the moment. That does absolutely nothing to disrupt the status quo and is very much at the whim of the upstream "owner" whether you want to see it or not.

kak3a 9 hours ago

Who will be buying these? Developers?

  • vngzs 8 hours ago

    It's a Linux phone that runs Android apps, so they ostensibly don't have the problem of building the ecosystem.

    • freedomben 8 hours ago

      Importantly though, it won't have Google Play and the increasingly mandatory GMS, so a lot of Android apps won't work properly.

      Definitely cool though and worthy of some attention.

      • GranPC 8 hours ago

        We do however ship with microG. I have heard of people using Uber, Spotify, Lyft, Signal, etc. So Android app support isn't that bad despite no GMS.

        • freedomben 8 hours ago

          Amazing, thank you! You just sold a phone :-)

avazhi 8 hours ago

Unfortunate name.

nhggfu 5 hours ago

the linkedin profile linked to in footer doesn't exist. #redflag

imzadi 8 hours ago

I think we have different definitions of cheap

g-b-r 7 hours ago

Chinese, unfortunately

  • fsflover 7 hours ago

    There is AFAIK only one non-Chinese Linux phone, and it's Liberty Phone.

    • anonzzzies 15 minutes ago

      ... which is $2k... We already know that almost everyone likes the idea of not being Chinese stuff, but no one is willing to pay 4x premium. The Liberty specs are dismal for a 2k phone; as I said (I think response to you as well); I would pay basically anything for descent modern specs (so s24 or so) but running linux, but not 2k for something that will just annoy me in not being practical besides for a bit of lisp (nothing wrong with that though!!!).

CommanderData 8 hours ago

What control does it have over the baseband / modem or lack thereof?

rw_panic0_0 8 hours ago

design is kinda ugly + 500 dollars is not cheap

  • onli 7 hours ago

    I honestly think it looks fine. Nice texture at the back, pretty metal accents around the camera and at the side button, good logo. The uneven bezels (the one at the bottom is larger) are less nice, but that's just a reality of the budget this probably moves in, not even the Fairphone 5 did solve that yet.

johnea 6 hours ago

I've been waiting for a viable linux phone for years. Ever since the M$ destruction of the Nokia offering.

This one looks pretty good!

It even has a feature that should make it a great migration away from android: