big-green-man 7 hours ago

I like this perspective and I share it. It frustrates me to watch the initial Demo of Apple's concept of a touch oriented computer, seeing multi touch demonstrated, moving objects around, and to sit here typing this on something like it, except it's one finger at a time and multitouch was dumbed down into pinch to zoom and little else. I can't stand the fact that almost all computer interfaces outside smartphones are interacted with using only the right wrist and index finger. The future is what we have now but transparent, what we have now with no bezels, what we have now but made of disposable paper, what we have now but the size of a table. It's just not compelling to me.

And it's because it's hard imagining a completely new way of interacting with computing technology. People that are able to do that don't get paid script writers salaries, they get paid Steve Jobs salaries. And they are worth billions to organizations capable of making them a reality.

seism 4 hours ago

When I am forced to use a phone or tablet of a brand and size I'm not used to, everything seems wonky and out of place. Yet I can adapt to a different brand and size of car in a few minutes. Replacing tactile memory with skeuomorphism, is like a prosthetic arm that can extend 10m to replace your sickly feely biological one. I'm always up for advocating for more arts & crafts as part of interaction design.