Show HN: A Markdown based alternative to package.json scripts and Makefiles

14 points by timz 2 days ago

`` allows you to organise your cli scripts in one or several markdown files, by mix and matching different scripting languages for various commands, such as zsh/bash/sh, python or javascript.

Handy for replacing one-line-based `package.json` scripts or `Makefile`s.

One can also write documentation and explanations to various commands in same `` markdown file. ZSH autocompletions are also working, suggesting you the most relevant available commands from your `` files.

Most editors highlight correctly most languages in the markdown code blocks, even when you use several scripting languages.

Provided the following example ( file in the root of your project), one can run in a terminal:

    $ x weather-tomorrow

    # x generate-password

    --- An example of file ---

    # hello

    Prints "Hello" to `stdout` using Zsh.

    echo "Hello"

    # world

    Just prints "World" to `stdout` using JavaScript.


    # weather-tomorrow

    Prints the weather for tomorrow to `stdout` using Zsh.


    # generate-password

    Prints a random password to `stdout` using Python.

    import random
    import string

    length = 16

    characters = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + string.punctuation
    password = ''.join(random.choice(characters) for _ in range(length))
    --- end of ---

The syntax is simple, each command is a level 1 header followed by optional documentation in markdown notation, and followed by annotated (which interpreter to use) code block.

One can type `--help` after `x my-command` to print out the help associated with that command.

It is possible to have multiple files with scripts, just put them in the `x` folder with `.md` extension.

Would be very grateful for any suggestions or other feedback.

Thank you.

porridgeraisin 2 days ago

It'll be nice if you could make it level 2 headers. Reason: if we want to make it html to display as a webpage, we won't end up with multiple H1s, and we can have a H1 for like the name of the app or something.

  • timz a day ago

    Great suggestion. On it

az09mugen 2 days ago

That's an interesting idea you had, it makes me think of a mix between a jupyter notebook and a makefile, sort of, based on md files. I like the concept, but I need to test it to see if it fits my needs. Just a question about python and zsh, do they need to be pre-installed in your OS and accessible from PATH, that's it ?

  • cobalt60 a day ago

    ansible for markdown?

zahlman a day ago

>One can type `--help` after `x my-command` to print out the help associated with that command.

I assume that there is no support for the scripts having their own command-line arguments? Or how do you disambiguate?

Anyway, this seems like an interesting demo, but it's hard to imagine the use case.

  • timz a day ago

    When --help is provided, the help text from is printed. Otherwise all the command line parameters are passed to the actual script that implements the command.

timz a day ago

published 0.3 version pnpm install -g @tzador/

- better --help messages with or without command - ## level 2 headers are used - the temp file is created in current folder, like that importing npm modules from current project works