sen 2 days ago

Just completed the whole game in iPhone/Safari. Was very difficult but very fun. I’m a big fan of mini games like this, and I was always a huge fan of Lunar Lander etc which this game reminds me of.

Great polish for a web game too.

I made my own[0] Lander clone in PICO-8 a while back and this gave me some fun ideas like the different starting angles/velocities to try recover from.


jmchambers 3 days ago

Fun little game. Love the attention to detail when you clip the tower. Hopefully SpaceX won't need to make final-approach corrections quite as drastic as these though - could get rather expensive if so...

arendtio 3 days ago

Hm, in Chromium it doesn't take the space-button and in Firefox it takes the space-button, but all I see is the HUD, to I can see the booster orientation, but nothing more, so it crashes. Both on an Arch Linux Desktop PC.

Edit: There are several shader-related errors in the Firefox console like (NVIDIA GPU):

  Hidden/PostProcessing/MultiScaleVO shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
HeralFacker 3 days ago

Where is the transparency statement about whether or not this is farming flight data for one of the for-profit rocket companies?

sparrish 3 days ago

I can't get the game to start. <space> doesn't do anything.

  • estebarb 3 days ago

    In the cellphone works well. Just needed like 10 attempts for landing it haha

  • FrojoS 3 days ago

    Weird. It works for me. Chrome on OS X. M1 Mac Air.

mlindner 3 days ago

The physics of this game (on feels broken. If the rocket starts rotating it just keeps rotating which is not how physics works. The rocket from its motion would weather vane to it's velocity vector in reality, but it doesn't.

  • tomxor 2 days ago

    It feels intuitive to me. I think you need to consider gravity, if you've ever tried to balance a broom stick on one finger you get a similar effect, your finger is the thrust.

  • teractiveodular 3 days ago

    If your rocket starts rotating, you're screwed anyway.

xunil2ycom 3 days ago

Still waiting for faa approval. Very realistic game.

cr125rider 3 days ago

I couldn’t get this to work in Brave or Firefox on Linux or iOS. I still got round 1 though lol. Must be a gimme

jmkd 3 days ago

Great diversion! Level thanks...

tomxor 3 days ago

Finished 20 but found level 14 the hardest, tower arm kept breaking off. Last few levels are pretty fun.

  • Gravityloss 3 days ago

    Got up to level 13, it is pretty hard. Interesting choices you have to make, horizontal speed vs vertical.

senectus1 2 days ago

Doesnt seem to work on Chrome on Linux

Works on Firefox but is very low frames. unplayable.

rkagerer 2 days ago

The Starlink trains are a nice touch.