phkahler 4 hours ago

Spoiler Alert. If you haven't read "Endurance" the article gives away a critical piece of info - which crew members didn't make it. Read the book first, it is the greatest survival story ever told. Not just because it's true. It's just that incredible.

  • elteto 4 hours ago

    I haven’t read Endurance (it’s on the list!) but was deeply impressed by this quote from a fellow explorer:

    “For scientific discovery, give me Scott; for speed and efficiency of travel, give me Amundsen; but when you are in a hopeless situation, when you are seeing no way out, get down on your knees and pray for Shackleton.”

    Sir Raymond Priestley

    What a leader must Shackleton have been!

  • zavec an hour ago

    Was Endurance good? I didn't read that one but I did read South. I really enjoyed the first part but became less interested when after the main expedition's story was over there was still a quarter or so of the book left talking about going around and picking up the guys from the other side, which felt a bit anticlimactic after what had already happened.

  • julosflb 4 hours ago

    I can confirm. I didn't know the story and I picked up that book randomly in a book store a couple years ago. I loved it.

  • idontwantthis 3 hours ago

    I’m sure that book is good too, but I’d personally recommend reading the story from the man himself in his book called “South”.

  • aquova 2 hours ago

    It feels odd to refer to an actual historical event as a "spoiler"

  • satiated_grue 3 hours ago

    All the crew members of the Endurance survived the expedition - not sure about the "didn't make it" comment, or to which part of the article you are referring.

    • KMag 2 hours ago

      I'm pretty sure they were trying to avoid that exact spoiler by hiding the fact they were talking about the null set.

      Spoiler alert: do not read parent comment.

    • czscout 2 hours ago

      I believe they are referring to the fact that the article states that every crew member survived. As in, none of them didn't make it.

      • sandworm101 44 minutes ago

        The human crew members made it.

      • vkou 2 hours ago

        He did one better - Shackleton returned to England with more crewmembers than he departed with.