waldito 3 days ago
  • tasn 3 days ago

    > This is not an officially supported Google product.

    I wonder if they realize this is a reassurance of its longevity rather than a disclaimer like probably intended.

  • extraduder_ire 3 days ago

    Looks like they're doing their japanese IME releases on 1st of October instead of the 1st of April. Half a year later. The previous releases are all shown in that repo's readme.

    Do google do april fools pranks anymore? I forget if they resumed after 2020.

out_of_protocol 3 days ago

That's one-sided keyboard though? There's no second side in Möbius strip

  • outofpaper 3 days ago

    That's part of the joke.

    • gklitz 3 days ago

      It’s a layered joke. It has one side.

butz 3 days ago

I get the feeling that Google branch in Japan was established only with single goal: to build weirdest keyboards possible (and impossible).

Xen9 3 days ago

Notice the donuts & the coffee mug.

rahkiin 3 days ago

‘Perfect for back-end development’

m463 3 days ago

you know, my fingers are double-sided.

I wonder if people could learn to type upwards as well as downwards?

  • kadoban 2 days ago

    Fingers are not meant to have good strength or dexterity that direction. It would be very tiring, difficult and I'd assume would be easy to end up with RSI issues. Not to mention it's a bit hard to imagine what the device would look like.